Strategic thinking for a resilient and competitive Europe

Fireside Chat with Radosław Sikorski
20 June 2014, London

In June 2014, some thirty high-level participants gathered at London’s Garrick Club for an informal discussion on the scope for a common EU foreign policy following the European Parliament elections in May 2014.

The keynote speech was delivered by the then Polish Foreign Minister, Radosław Sikorski, who was at the time being considered for the role of EU High Representative. Mr Sikorski’s position and the unfolding events in Ukraine made this meeting particularly relevant, offering the opportunity to re-examine the potential for a Common Foreign Policy during a particularly testing time for Europe, with one of the prospective key architects.

Participants included Peter Ammon (German Ambassador to the UK); Michael Gove MP (Secretary of State for Education); Sir Gerry Grimstone (Chairman, Standard Life); Jo Johnson MP (Head of Number 10 Policy Unit); Bridget Kendall (BBC Diplomatic Correspondent); Witold Sobków (Polish Ambassador to the UK)