Strategic thinking for a resilient and competitive Europe

Fireside Chat on Brexit
23 March 2016, London

The first Club of Three meeting of 2016 saw 25 high-level participants gather at London’s Oxford and Cambridge Club for a timely discussion on the UK’s EU referendum.

Peter Kellner, President of YouGov, and Philip Stephens, Associate Editor of the Financial Times, gave an insightful account of the political and public opinion dimensions of the debate. They also assessed how the Leave and Remain campaigns were shaping up and looked at the main issues that were likely to affect the outcome of the June 2016 referendum.

Participants included Jonathan Powell (Founder and CEO, Inter Mediate and former Chief of Staff, 10 Downing Street); Tania von Uslar-Gleichen (Deputy Head of Mission, German Embassy in the UK); Steffen Hoffmann (President, Robert Bosch UK Ltd); Ulrich Hoppe (Director General, German-British Chamber of Industry and Commerce); Lord Arbuthnot (Director, SC Strategy Ltd and Member of the Advisory Board, Thales UK); Jonathan Lacôte (Deputy Head of Mission, French Embassy in the UK) and Florence Gomez (Managing Director, French Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain).