Strategic thinking for a resilient and competitive Europe

Europe and Russia: Defining a new economic and strategic engagement
20-21 June 2008, Stuttgart

In 2008, the Weidenfeld Institute for Strategic Dialogue organised a Club of Three conference in Stuttgart aimed at providing an insight into Russia’s strategic priorities, energy politics and economic interests. It was part of the AMEURUS initiative (America-Russia-Europe forum) which sought to foster a more constructive, long-term engagement with Russia.

This meeting took place in Stuttgart and was hosted by the State Government of Baden-Württemberg.
Taking place following the inauguration of President Medvedev, participants sought to gauge the priorities of the new president and the potential for new collaboration with Europe (Session I). Session II asked whether Europe and Russia could further their mutual energy interests, before a final session exploring what form a new engagement between Europe and Russia would take vis-à-vis the EU and NATO.

The meeting was attended by 56 senior figures from France, Germany, the UK and Russia. Participants included Günther Oettinger (then Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg); Dieter Zetsche (CEO of Daimler AG); Lord Owen (former UK Foreign Secretary); and Sergey Glazyev (then Director of The Institute of New Economy and former Russian Economics Minister).


– Welcome note

– Conference agenda