Strategic thinking for a resilient and competitive Europe

Club of Three Webinar
The future of work: more agile, more virtual, more effective – but not for all? – 30 September 2020

In September, the Club of Three held a webinar on the future of work looking at the implications of the “new normal” which is already taking root in the shadow of Covid-19.

The coronavirus pandemic has forced most businesses to change quite radically the way they operate in order to survive. Managing a remote workforce and taking decisions amid extreme uncertainty have been hugely challenging. Some companies, especially in the technology and finance sectors, have been able to thrive and have even seemed to offer more human and family-friendly ways of working. Others, in hospitality and personal services for instance, have suffered, and their often younger workers have been hit disproportionately.

New divides are also appearing in terms both of social and economic justice. Many women fear they are at risk of losing the hard-won benefits they have gained in the workplace over the past twenty years. And different countries have responded differently, with Anglo-Saxon culture appearing so far to be less needy of the office routine.

Some 40 senior figures from business, the policy field and media in France, Germany and the UK took part in this one-hour Zoom session.

The three main speakers were:

*Rita McGrath, Professor of Management at Columbia Business School

*John Mark Williams, CEO of The Institute of Leadership & Management

*Lynda Gratton, Organisational theorist; Professor of Management Practice at London Business School

This discussion was chaired by Club of Three Chairman Michael Maclay.