Strategic thinking for a resilient and competitive Europe

10th Plenary Meeting of the Club of Three
6-7 December 2002, London

This Plenary meeting, the second to be held in 2002, took place at Lancaster House in London. It covered a range of topics of common interest to France, Germany and the UK and their international partners, including the fight against terrorism, closer relations with Russia, competition policy and corporate governance.

The opening remarks were given by UK Cabinet Minister John Reid, and Denis MacShane, UK Minister for Europe, gave the keynote address during the traditional dinner on the Friday evening.

Participants included Pascal Lamy (European Commissioner); Jean-Claude Trichet (Governor of the Banque of France); Lord Simon (Adviser, UK Cabinet Office); Henning Schulte-Noelle (Chairman, Allianz AG); Charles de Croisset (Chairman & CEO, Crédit Commercial de France); Gerhard Cromme (Head of the Supervisory Board, Krupp-Thyssen); and Nick Butler (Group Policy Adviser, BP).


– Agenda with list of participants